We are a group of solo musicians/entertainers who have come together to support each other and to share ideas, information, and resources, as well as provide contacts for employment opportunities. Through this site, we also provide a way for the public to find and contact musicians to fit a specific need. Please feel free to browse our site. If you'd like to become a member, click here or on a menu link. For more information about our Network, contact one of our officers:
Marc Sherman
President215-396-1561 marcshermanmusic@aol.com
Jim Laurie
Treasurer215-365-2032 Pianodude3@aol.com
George Sinkler
Health & Welfare Secretary215-517-8377 GSinkPiano@aol.com
Debbie Knight
Photographer215-443-7418 deborahknightsounds@comcast.net