Please note that membership is NOT limited strictly to solo musicians. We welcome any musicians, agents, and any others who have an interest in being a part of something very unique!
Membership is just $10 per year. For that small amount you then will have full access to the entire SMN website, with the option of having your recorded audio streamed online at no extra fee. You'll be put on our SMN group email list which regularly has opportunities for gigs and offers help of any kind, including sheet music and equipment questions.
Plus you'll be able to meet with members at our semi-annual dinners each year, a great way to network and put a face to the many musicians you'll meet online.
Click here for: Membership Application. Please send the completed application along with a check for $10 made out to SoloMusician Network.
Mail to:
Jim Laurie, SMN Treasurer
7398 Wheeler Street
Philadelphia, PA 19153